Most days in Fairyland everything is harmonious and as it should be. There are rare occasions however when things in the fairy realm can become rather upside down, when no matter how one looks at the world, things appear out of sorts and sideways.  










When this happens, (which is very rarely) it’s no longer just another day in paradise. All of the residents of Fairyland must come together to restore balance.







High flying fairy folk are generally the first to notice when things become amiss. Members of Fairyland have a lot of patience and are very optimistic by nature,

Their first tactic is to go about their business while keeping their eyes and ears wide open waiting for things to sort themselves out.










The residents of Fairyland know from experience that under usual circumstances everything settles down and the world becomes right again. Rarely has there been an occasion when their world becomes so out of balance that it doesn’t right side up of it’s own accord.










However, lately things in Fairyland have become a bit more upside down and very sideways, more so than the inhabitants have ever experienced or known before. Fairy Folk know that this is a time when special measures will be required to set things right. In order to correct this imbalance they will need to join all the different clans of fairy folk in the kingdom together and become a diversified unit of one.










The inhabitants of Fairyland, (which includes, Sylphs, Sea Selkies, Goblins, Leprechauns,  Fairies, Pixies and Trolls….to name just a few.) trust in the wisdom of their leader, a wise Old Troll King who reigns from secret chambers hidden deep within the Earth.

Photo credit: Jennifer DeStefano











Entrances to Trolldom are numerous and each is a secret portal only the initiated can see.










 There are secret entrance portals to Trolldom hidden in Caves, Ancient Oak Trees, Pines or Ash; under Steep Granite outcroppings,










There are entrances beneath secret woodland waterfalls,

Photo Credit: Jennifer DeStefano











And beneath water falls where humans go but but cannot see.

photo credit: Luciana Rose











However the most direct as well as most secretive and heavily guarded portal to Trolldom  is hidden deep within the Enchanted Forest where only fairy folk and wildlings dwell. (and on rare occasions those humans most in tune with nature go) This portal is beneath what appears to be a derelict Stone Bridge out of view. It is guarded by two large Trolls, one Cautious Coyote, a Boisterous Bear, a Heralding Hawk and a Curious Crow. The entrances to Trolldom are many and all are hidden from view.  Seldom are these portals entered by those seeking Troll King’s council, as Fairyland is generally a most harmonious place.










Troll King has the knowledge and wisdom of his ancestors, he is open minded and a scholar up to date on the diverse citizenry of Fairyland, including Wildlings, all those scaled,  furred and feathered, such as turkey, snake, frog, butterfly, coyote and deer folk to name just a few. As Seamstress to the Faires, I am invited to speak on behalf of my kind. Troll King’s wisdom combined with his ability to see into the future by learning from the past, reassures all the inhabitants of Fairyland when things become out of kilter.








Representatives from all factions of Fairy Kingdom join together in Troll King’s vast chambers deep within the earth where all knowledge is firmly rooted and wisdom grows.

Photo Credit: Jennifer DeStefano











Together as a team these representatives confer until a resolution forms and harmony is restored. The sincere selfless efforts of each and everyone in Fairyland working together is necessary for harmony to be maintained and balance restored.








All of the Fairy Folk and Wildlings, the tall and the small, the winged, the webbed, the scaled, the furred and the blue know exactly how to do just that.







And once again, all is as it should be.

this photo credit to E.M.

















The incredible strength of  dreams and hope coexist in this magnificent world filled with possibilities.





“Magic really does happen, all one has to do is look.”