Thinking of Spring
A glorious winter morning in Maine. A day when Fairy Folk might come out into the gardens to dance and play. Heaven on Earth with sky so blue. Spring is just around the corner…
A glorious winter morning in Maine. A day when Fairy Folk might come out into the gardens to dance and play. Heaven on Earth with sky so blue. Spring is just around the corner…
Poetry Websters definition; po-et-ry noun Literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature. The following excerpt from the poem Little Gidding was […]
So much snow The little farmhouse is buried deep . My gardens are dormant; asleep beneath a thick carpet of white wet snow. The Home Place Fairy Folk are burrowed cozy and warm in their chambers, snug along the root-line of a great oak tree, far […]
Dare to dream and watch your wishes grow.
Magic is in the hands and hearts of all true believers. Live your life like one big Great Story. Express yourself, Be adventurous, Be creative, Remain curious about the natural world around you. My dear sister of the heart, Dory Anna is a friend of […]
Here at our farm on the north side of a small mountain in Maine we honor the fairies all year long. During these quieter months of winter when the ground is frozen hard snow covered statuary adorn the gardens and pathways to the meadow […]
Here on the north side of a small mountain in Maine winter has made clear she has finally arrived. Early each morning I go out into the garden to tend Old Horse. Some mornings the sky is brilliant with colors of the rising sun. Other […]
Happy New Year From the Home Place Fairies!!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!