A Doe
Look who I saw in the Enchanted Forest on this fine summers day. A Doe, a deer, a lovely Dear Doe and her twin Fawns.
Look who I saw in the Enchanted Forest on this fine summers day. A Doe, a deer, a lovely Dear Doe and her twin Fawns.
Be your self. Your brilliant, glorious original self. There is so much magic in the world around you All you have to do is look.
Here is a delightful simple little recipe from the fairy folk for a summer Fairy Berry Fruit Salad. The ingredients can come from your garden or the market, the fresher and grown closer to home the better. 1 small seedless watermelon cut into bite sized pieces […]
A full moon August evening is a magical time in the Enchanted Forest. The Full Moon of August is known by several names. Traditionally called the “Sturgeon Moon” because the giant sturgeon fish of the Great Lakes was caught during this time it can also known as the “Moon When All Things Ripen”, and here […]
Happy Birthday Old Horse ! Happy Birthday to you! Born in July on a bright sunny day you were long ago enchanted by Fairy Folk and though you age you never grow old. […]
As August approaches, fairy folk work diligently alongside the grand children as we harvest and prepare our foods for winter storage. Early each morning the fairies add an extra sprinkling of fairy dust to help ripen and mature our fruit and vegetable crops. […]
Every garden has a story. And if I were to tell you mine in part began here. In a tiny house at the edge of a blueberry barren, nestled into a wood by a brook with a lone apple tree, well, that would not be untrue. […]
Fairies believe in Possibilities. Fairies believe in Wonder. Fairies believe in Magic. Fairies delight in Creative Expression and Magical Thinking. […]
Another Fairy Fine morning In the Garden.
“Never let it be said that to dream is a waste of time. For dreams are our realities in waiting. In dreams we plant the seeds of our future.” Author: Unknown Artist: Luciana Rose