The Magic of all your Believing

Christmas is a powerful time in the Fairy Kingdom, the Elves and Gnomes are particularly busy.

Human children far and wide are writing lists of wishes, wants and desires.

The Home Place Fairies cheerfully depart from their cozy winter chambers waving wands, busily casting enchantments upon any childhood wish that happens to linger, determining the integrity of each wish by the weight of a child’s sincerity as opposed to desire.

The magic of all your believing begins with a wish.

The Magic of all your Believing










Christmas is the perfect occasion for creating your own great story.

Imagine walking out your  front door into the world of your imagination.

How wonderful, how utterly fantastical that could be.

Merry Merry










Here atop Blue Fairy Hill a little girl dances alone with her Teddy in new fallen snow.

Wishing on Blue Fairy Hill










She dances the dance of the hopeful.

A dance of youth, promise and infinite possibilities.

Waiting for Santa fairies too










Later she will return home to her sister and family.

She will carefully place the last ornament on their fir tree, wishing for kindness, for fresh food on their table, for family unity, love and understanding…. a game maybe and a new soft toy or two.

At the end of the day









At the end of the day she will fall asleep with her fuzzy in a box by the fire.

The Fairies will linger watching over the child, taking into account all of her dreams and desires, her past and present behaviors and the depth of her heart.

If they determine her worthy, which they do….they will weave together all of her wishes, hopes and desires into an invisible but potent shroud…

And they will cover the sleeping child with this shroud, instilling upon her the courage to strive and move forward, to believe in her own character…to have the bravery to live her own great story out loud.

Later this Christmas evening the child will not awaken when her Father gently carries her, tucks her in gently to her warm soft bed.








In the morning this little girl will waken and will wonder if she only dreamed of all the fairies that danced the night before in the snow and around her bed.











Merry Christmas

Old Horse_788x1050










From Old Horse and the slumbering Fairies

Fairy Greenhouse_788x1050










Merry Christmas

Seamstress to the Fairies and Santa










From The Seamstress to the Fairies and Santa!



A Fairy Merry Christmas To You

From the moment I stepped out into my dooryard this morning I knew this day was special.

All about me the ground was covered with new fallen snow; all was silent, all was still.

It is Christmas Eve, the Eve before the most sacred day of all days in all of the world .

Fairies, humans and animals all respect and honor this day.

Xmas Fairies (1)










I intentionally wander about my farm with a deepening sense of gratitude for the God of All, Things whomever and whatever we each perceive her to be.

Xmas Fairies (2)










Entering the pit greenhouse far below the frost line, I am awed by how the greenery flourishes despite the outside snow.

Xmas Fairies (3)








In the Children’s Garden, all is still, the flowers slumber, dormant beneath a blanket of white; not a fairy nor human in sight.

Xmas Fairies (4)






Crossing the back meadow I pass Old Horse as he stands and has stood sentry for eons, guarding the entrance to the Home Place Fairies winter chamber as he has done each and every day.







Heading up the knoll strolling through the woodland amidst white with new fallen snow I am awed by the natural world all around me. Paco my pal forever and always will race me to Blue Fairy Hill.

Xmas Eve (3)










We will cross over the bridge of The Stream of Dreams where wand makers create magic each Easter in spring.

Xmas Eve (1)








We will walk through the glen where The Good Gnomes reside.

Xmas Eve (4)








Paco and I, hiking to the top of Blue Fairy Hill where I pledge my allegiance to the land before and beneath me, far and wide.







Just before dusk sets in I hear laughter and catch a glimpse of a lone child at the top of the hill as she dances with her Teddy alone in the snow.

Xmas Fairies (8)










This child has discovered an enchanted Christmas Tree left by the Fairies, Elves, Gnomes and Trolls.

Over her left shoulder way up in the sky I see the protective guiding light of the north star watching over her as she sings thanks to the powers that be.

Heading back down the hill Paco and I enter the enchanted Woodland where the Home Place Fairies dwell.

Xmas Eve (2)








There I leave an offering upon the Alter of the Fairies at the foot of their Great Oak Tree.












My gift to them, a token of thanks for all the magic they bring to our world.








As I leave the woodland and head for home I sense though could not see the Home Place Fairy folk looking out at me.

Xmas Fairies (11)










My little farmhouse looks so cozy and warm after a day wandering about in the cold.







The walkway to home looks inviting, all a glimmer and welcoming with lights.

There truly is no place like home on Christmas Eve night, surrounded by loved ones, pets and family at your side.

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Wishing you all wherever you are A Fairy Merry Christmas from the north side of a small mountain in Maine!

Love from  The Home Place Fairies and The Fairy Seamstress

Peace be within us all.


Magic of Awareness

photo eliza massey








Silence has it’s own special kind of magic,

Just as singing does.





Thanksgiving is tomorrow, which is very exciting, and made all the more so by the welcome gifts of gratitude Fairy Folk leave around our farm.

For an entire week leading up to Thanksgiving members of the Fairy Kingdom leave offerings of thanks for all the enchanted clothing I have sewn or mended for them over the year. They are grateful that the Wizard and I have maintained our gardens, woodlands and organic blueberry barrens where fairies and wildlings together mingle and grow.









The Foxchild, one of my very best friends has been keeping an eye out for the Elves, Brownies, Hobgoblins, Pixies, Sprites and Trolls (to name just a few)  who come ahead of time when no one is looking;  leaving the most delicious surprises which I will serve to family and friends.










Look what Nora Russell, a Troll from the Knoll left for me this morning at the entrance to the Enchanted Forest.

Why it’s one of her Trolly Delicious Flourless Chocolate Cakes!










Nora, like most Trolls is a very accomplished chief. Each year for as long as I can remember  she has left us one of these exquisite cakes.

This year’s cake is topped with fresh pomegranate seeds and walnuts, set in a herbal bed of fragrant rosemary. Yum.










Nora’s husband William Edwin is gifted composer and violinist, and Nora as well as being a fine chief has a lovely soprano voice. Nora and Edwin perform together with the Grand Troll Opera, and they are about as romantic a couple as you could ever hope meet. Only chances are you will not meet them because Trolls are notoriously shy of humans, so encounters seldom happen.

However if you have a fair amount of patience and a keen ear you might hear, when the breeze is just right; after the wind has died down, William Edwin Troll playing his mesmerizing Marguerite Waltz on Violin as his friend Belya Troll accompanies him on piano.


Live your own great story out loud and remember to thank those whose gentle acts of kindness have touched you.










We know it’s a different kind of year and things are not quite the same, but the world has a wonderful way of righting itself with time.

A Very Happy Holiday to All of You Near and Far!

Happy Thanksgiving from The Home Place Fairies!



A Home Place Fairy Tale

Nina Enchanted

Nina enchanted (1)










Little Nina was in a predicament, she did not know what to do. All the other fairies were leaving the forest and heading as they always did towards the bright sunlight of their well tended gardens.

Nina enchanted (2)








As much as I enjoy tending these beautiful gardens day after day, I would like one morning where things were, well, different”, thought Nina. When suddenly one little fairy departed from the group and veered left instead of right, heading down a path Nina had not noticed before. Far in the distance a tiny beacon glowed. Nina could not decide what to do, as she had always followed the rest of the troop, never once had she ventured off alone. Suddenly very curious, Nina wondered how different her day might be if she too were to travel down this new path instead.

Nina enchanted (3)










After much contemplation Nina adventurously set out alone. Instead of turning right like the fairies have always done, she turned left, stepping onto a path much less traveled. Nina walked for what seemed like a very long time, going deeper into the forest, further than she had ever gone before. The trees seemed much taller here and it was darker; less sunlight and lots of toadstools, but Nina was not scared. After a while she found herself in a small clearing, the fairy she had been following was nowhere to be seen. Surrounding her were common woodland ferns and mosses, lichen and assorted mushrooms all muted in pale greens and grays; lots of shadowy places, not the brilliant colors of the gardens she generally tended. “Why this is not so special”, she thought, wishing she had taken the path to the gardens instead. Disappointed, she turned back toward where she had come from, when she noticed a tiny flickering orb of light.

Nina enchanted (4)










Nina gazed at the bright little orb in wonder and the little light politely asked that she step closer, and so she did.

Nina enchanted (5)










The little orb said, “Look deeper Nina, not a me, but at what lays before you.” And so Nina did look around herself into what she had thought was just an ordinary wooded glen.

Nina enchanted (7)










And what she saw was very beautiful. While Nina had thought she was surrounded by common woodland ferns and mosses, upon closer inspection she discovered that they weren’t so common after all. They were extraordinary and tucked in among them were hundreds of tiny flowers of a soft blue hue, the likes of which Nina had never seen before. These flowers whispered softly to her,”Please take us with you so we may cast our seeds far and wide.”

Nina enchanted (8)










Nina gathered these little blue flowers together, wrapping them with tender ferns and soft spongy mosses. As she did this the little flowers began to shimmer with happiness and the dark woodland glen became illuminated with a soft golden glow, a radiant light, created by the joy of flowers who have waited so long to be seen.

Nina enchanted (9)










Nina hurried back to the garden of sunlight, eager to share her adventure with the fairy folk and as she left that secret hidden woodland glen, the little blue flowers whispered “forget me not, forget me not”.


Once Upon a Garden

Every garden has a story and mine in large part began here.










Every gardener hears and answers to their own song, has their own vision and every garden is unique.

A long time ago on the south side of a small mountain in a woodland glen I cleared a bit of land bit by selective bit and built a small sunlit house. I gathered together divisions of old plantings from the tiny house I had been living in which sat nestled at the foot of a blueberry hill bordered by a stream, an enchanted forest and one large Apple Tree.









I dug divisions of Bearded Iris, Monkshood, Monarda and Primrose; Old Roses and Solomon’s Seal, Feverfew, Hostas and Rue. My goal was to rescue as much of this garden as I possibly could as the tiny house was to be demolished, the apple tree cut down and the site leveled. I worked long days into the night to better my woodland soil for transplanting and seeds. I wandered deep into the surrounding woodlands filling and gathering together buckets of old composting tree stumps, which I used to lighten and enrich my future garden beds according to what fairy folk say.










I planted flower seeds, Delphiniums, Cosmos, Bells of Ireland. I transplanted Ferns ,Violets, Forget me knots and Bluebells. I planted Arctic Hardy Kiwi, a gift from a Lonely Magician who lived by the Sea.










My Grandmother Catharine ; gardener extraordinaire, traveled a great distance to come view this garden that had always lived inside of me. She came to me one midsummer and shared her secrets of gardening, she whispered to me, “It takes courage to plant roses.., that which you have…”










Sometimes someone comes along who visits my gardens and becomes so moved by the flora, the peace and the strength that a creative spark begins to seed itself deep inside of them and a vision of their own internal garden begins to take form, to sprout to blossom and eventually grow.



Have You Ever Hugged A Fairy Horse?

Have you ever hugged a fairy horse?











Perhaps you have at some time in your life

Cinderella Hug








but did not realize that you were in the presence of a magical being.

Have you hugged your fairy horse today 11 2014 (2)_1558x1050







I have been fortunate to have  encountered numerous fairy horses in my lifetime.








The Home Place Fairy Folk  honor horses, they share many secrets with them.

Have you hugged your fairy horse today 11 2014 (13)_1575x1050







Some people believe fairy horses are sent from the fairies to be protectors and guardians of special children and that such children may be enchanted.

Have you hugged your fairy horse today 11 2014 (7)_1317x1050








I have reason to suspect some of this might be true.

Have you hugged your fairy horse today 11 2014 (3)_993x1050










A long, long time ago I met  a child so full of magical thoughts that other children found her rather peculiar.

A Fairy Horse for you (2)










Her dreams and wishes were not ordinary childhood thoughts of make believe.

Fairy Horses vintage (4)









They were extra ordinary thoughts of Believe Making.

Have you hugged your fairy horse today 11 2014 (19)_1400x1050








The Fairy Horse that entered her dreams was as real as any daytime companion and together they explored curious and rather exquisite places that only children in dreams on fairy horses can go.

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This little girl knew that if she believed long and hard enough in her Fairy Horse, that endless possibilities would come their way.

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Each night without exception the little girl was grateful when this beautiful fairy horse galloped into her dreams.










She believed this nighttime companion truly existed even when during her waking hours others laughed and said it could not be so.









Each and every night while the little girl slept she and her fairy horse explored a unique expression of another world together,  sharing secrets, future hopes and dreams.

Have you hugged your fairy horse today 11 2014 (9)_788x1050










There are fairy horses and special children all around us though not everyone has a willingness to see the magic that lays before them.











Sometimes extra ordinary Believe Makers meet other dreamers like themselves.








ZZZ2013 Natalie 6 Luciana 4 - Copya








When this happens everything is twice as much fun.








Fairy Horses come in all shapes and sizes just like children and fairies do.

Have you hugged your fairy horse today 11 2014 (5)_1575x1050

















When you go to bed tonight know that somewhere, some place a  child may be dreaming,  an extra ordinary Believer, riding an extraordinary fairy horse of his or her own.

Have you hugged your fairy horse today 11 2014 (6a)_907x1050










If your heart and mind remain open you will never loose the power of magical thinking.

Have you hugged your fairy horse today 11 2014 (8)_1400x1050








Childhood is filled with unlimited possibilities; the days can seem endless.

A Stable mates (7)










In time we out grow our younger selves and a larger person we become.

Have you hugged your fairy horse today 11 2014 (10)_1136x1050









Children grow older and some forget about their dreamtime fairy horses.







Other children never forget and remain believers of magical possibilities their entire lives.








As parents they will teach their own children about fairies,  extra ordinary thinking and Believe Making.

Fairy Horses vintage (2)










These are the children that though they age, never grow old, remaining hopeful dreamers for all of their days.

Have you hugged your fairy horse today 11 2014 (17)_788x1050










The fairies never leave these extra ordinary Believe Makers

ZZZZ dreams1990 Brooke and Cinderella are 10 Sadie the dog - Copy










and though you cannot see them there is always a fairy by their side.

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Believe Making and extra ordinary thinking does not have to end with the passing of childhood.











One can retain extra ordinary thinking.

A Stable mates (4)










True believers have the ability to soar high in a world of endless possibilities, remaining forever enchanted with hopefulness, faith and goodwill.

Have you hugged your fairy horse today 11 2014 (12)_749x1050










Have you hugged your fairy horse today whomever and whatever you perceive him to be?

A Stable mates (1)



















Enchanted by the fairies and blessed with the love of children, fairy horses age but they never grow old.

A Fairy Horse for you (1)










Hold on to your dreams they will become the beacons that guide you into your future.







And always,  remember  “Fairy Horses” come in all shapes and sizes

Fairy Horse Magic_698x960










And everyone is unique, just like you.

March 2018









As a late winter wind swirls through the hills and among my now dormant gardens there is a sense of timelessness

Grand Old Horse










no separation between the here and now and the before now.

Grand Old Horse (1)a - Copy








All the children and fairy horses from the past dance with those of the present

June 2009 Brooke Girls Horses (15) - Copyap









their laughter forever echoes among the dried and dormant foliage woven together through the ages like vines.

Horse lovers July 9 2010 bc - Copy







I see them all

Fairy Land merges with the here and now. 1








All the children and the child I once was playing together like the fairies do,

New Year 2017 (4)










As one Old Horse stands forever and always, facing west, watching, as old as time.

Off to join the Fairies - Copy










Our friend, our sentry, our guardian; Old Horse.







The Home Place Fairy Folk say that Fairy Horses never age; they never grow old and they never ever truly leave you, not really.

Hug your Fairy Horse










The gifts these guardian have given, the love they have bestowed will forever and always reside within your heart.

Magic of Old Horse










From this day forward every step the little girl takes,

Stable Mates








every step her sister takes ;









will forever and always will be in the light cast from Old Horse, their protector, guardian, beacon; their forever shining light.











As a full fledged Fairy Horse, Old Horse walks with the fairies now, he’s galloped on before us into Fairyland.

The Enchanted Horse










He has returned to the place of all magic and all childhood beginnings.

Love of a Horse










We know that the love he benevolently bestowed upon us  has no limits, no restrictions, no bounds.


Love of a Grand Old Horse











Off to the Fairies











Old Horse








Live your own Great Story out loud.

1990 Brooke 10 yrs on Horse 9 yrs - Copyaa










Godspeed Old Horse…






Comments Off on Have You Ever Hugged A Fairy Horse?

June is for Joyful Garden Gatherings






June is a time of jubilation as the gardens have awakened,  alive and abundant.










Foxgloves are a favorite flower of the fairy folk.  Sprinkled with fairy dust they sparkle and glow.








Old Horse in the meadows looks over the Poppies and Fairies alike. He is friend and Guardian of all the Home Place Faires.










Fairy Folk gather, they sing and they dance.








Magic happens in every garden










All one has to do is look…




Summer in Maine

Every garden is a Fairyland.
Fairyland 2





Live your own story (2)







Live your own story (3)







Live your own story (4)








Live your own story (5)









Live your own story (7)




















Live your own story (11)








Live your own story (12)










Live your own great story.

Live your own story (13)










The possibilities are endless.



Fairies Welcome Here


Fairies are welcome here.

Fairies are welcome here.












Copyright © 2025 Robin Horty