Maine Garden Magic


Garden Magic







Magic happens in every garden.









Fairy Fun











By August the Home Place Fairies and I have been faithfully tending the gardens here at the farm since early spring. Late summer days in Maine can be hot and heavy and traditionally it is a time when I pause from my daily gardening chores to sit or wander soaking in the loveliness and bounty all around me. The fairies are playful little sprites who always find time to play and be merry.

Being fair little beings their fairy skin is tender to the bright sunlight of an August summer day so they tend to the gardens now only at dawns early light or just before the sun sets and a soft gentle chill sets in.







By mid day most of the fairy folk head for the enchanted forest and bask in the shade. Those few who venture out to the gardens take parasols creating their own protective shade.










Delphinia and La Rosa soar through the kiwi arbor as Nightingale approaches  suggesting they return to the forest to wait until the sun sets lower on the horizon.











A breeze picks up and Nightingale joins the other fairies frolicking beneath the shade of the kiwi arbor heavy with fruit. She  cheerfully sprinkles fairy dust everywhere she goes.









Delphinia is next as she glides to a landing.
















Last is La Rosa with her wand all a glimmer.







“To the enchanted forest and the shade”,  she says. And so the fairies head to the forest and I am left alone in my garden with visions of fairy folk in my head.



August Garden Just Before Dusk

August is a month of great beauty in my garden.

8 11 14 just before dusk (3)










Here are some images taken right before dusk, a time when birds nest in for the evening; when butterflies stop fluttering and our honeybees have returned to their hives

8 11 14 just before dusk (4)










During the quiet morning hours, or right before dusk, I like to sit or meander about in my garden, soaking in the sounds and natural beauty abundant all around me. 

8 11 14 just before dusk (5)








When darkness falls the fairies are snug and cozy in their chambers relaxing after their busy day spent tending vegetables, flowers, herbs and seeds. 

8 11 14 just before dusk (7)










Come twilight they will sing and dance among the flowers with the wildlings, not to work but to play.

8 11 14 just before dusk (6)










Every garden is a paradise, a source of beauty, harvest and inspiration.

8 11 2014 (1)_900x1200










Where gardens grow fairies reside.



Days of August

If you are among those fortunate enough to find yourself deep within the heart of a wild garden during the days of August you may encounter Fairy Folk when they are most playful.

Midsummer at twilight when the fairy folk dance (2)








Take time to stop; smell flowers and listen to birds as they sing with their entire beings.

Midsummer at twilight when the fairy folk dance a








There is so much magic in the natural world.

Fairies ask that we take time out each and everyday to notice and contemplate the beauty that surrounds us.





In August on the north side of a small mountain in Maine

Where the Elfswort blooms golden and 6 feet tall,

Home Place Fairy Folk dance the Midsummer Waltz of the Fairies.

Midsummer Waltz of the Fae










Amid Scarlet Monarda, Red Astillbe; beneath Joe Pye Weed and Phlox, all shades of white and pinks of every hue, Fairy Folk whirl and twirl as they usher out the heat of summer and welcome the cooler temperatures of Autumn.



Within the Heart of an August Garden

Within the heart of my garden there is a special place for just being and thinking.

memories of summer (1)










Birds congregate with butterflies; Fairy Folk and a special child or two.

garden (4)








Dreams and secrets are shared here.

Within the Heart of an August Garden (2)





A place where for an hour or two you can be anything or anyone you dream your self to be.

You can even ask a bird how she sings!

Within the Heart of an August Garden (3)










Tiny wonders, everywhere.

Within the Heart of an August Garden (4)














Harvesting Flowers

These brilliant red monarda flowers cozied up to a bit of magenta phlox and day lilies are a brilliant bit of Maine Garden Magic.










Harvesting Fairy dusted flowers for arrangements is one of the most pleasant ways I can think of to spend a morning, or an entire day.










Flowers sprinkled with fairy dust have a certain something extra special about them










and are welcome at both happy celebrations as well as those which are sad.







Fairy dusted flowers shimmer and glow,










spreading goodwill and cheer wherever they go.








Whether one stem or pots of plenty, flowers aim to comfort and please.







A single pinch of fairy dust encourages flowers to sprout, blossom and grow.










Happy first day of August from Seamstress to the Fairies!








Picking Blueberries on Blue Fairy Hill and Blue Berry Yogurt Bars

When  blueberry season arrives folks ask me for my fairy fine recipe for yummy Blueberry Yogurt Bars. As August approaches there are plenty of fresh blueberries to be had here in Maine.

Remember you can certainly use frozen berries if you do not have fresh and have the same results.

Mid July through August are the months for harvesting blueberries here on Blue Fairy Hill. The fields are bountiful with berries and glimmers of fairy dust attest to the hard working Fairy Folk who help to sweeten berries here on our farm.

Raking the Blues (3)







Blueberry fields or barrens as they are called, are covered with ripe fairy sweetened organic blueberries every other August much to everyone’s delight.

Raking the Blues (2)







Friends and neighbors gather together to harvest nature’s bounty of sweet satisfaction.

Blueberry Bars (1)










Low bush blueberries are rather small and very sweet tasting. They grow on rocky ledges in wide open spaces.

Blueberry Bars (3)







Blueberries may be picked by hand.

Blueberry Bars (2)







Or they are picked with large metal rakes like these children are using, which allows you to collect berries faster than when hand picking.

Blueberry Bars (4)







However you decide to harvest blueberries the important thing is that you enjoy the process and take in the beauty of nature all around you.

Blueberry Bars (5)








Wild Maine blueberries generally grow on high rocky land which offers you spectacular views while you pick.

Blueberry Bars (7)






I prefer picking berries by hand or using a small wooden blueberry rake which Sampson the Troll made for me over 40 years ago.

Blueberry Bars (6)








After these children gather containers full of blueberries they will take them home for their Mothers who will use them for baking.

Raking the Blues (1)










Below is a recipe the Home Place Fairies shared with me. I hope you enjoy it as much as we all do.


Blueberry Bars (12)











Preheat your oven to 350

Line a 9 x 13″ baking pan with aluminum foil.

Lightly spray foiled pan evenly with oil and set aside.

Next make a crumble for your bottom crust and topping as follows.


1/2 c. unsalted butter, melted

1/2 cup granulated white sugar

1/4 cup brown sugar packed

1 1/2 cup all purpose flour

pinch of salt

1. In large bowl whisk melted butter with sugars to combine.

2. Add flour, pinch of salt stir to combine. Mixture will be dry and crumbly. Set aside 3/4 cup of this mixture to use later as topping.

3. Transfer remaining mixture into oiled pan. With your fingers hand pack, pressing the mixture to create a thin, even, flat crust. Set aside.


1 large egg at room temperature

1/2 cup Greek  Yogurt at room temperature

1/2 cup granulated white sugar

2 tsp. vanilla

1 Tablespoon all purpose flour


Blueberry Bars (9)










1. In medium bowl add egg and Greek Yogurt, sugar and vanilla. Whisk together well.

2. Add the Tablespoon of flour and whisk again.

3. Pour this yogurt filling evenly over the crust spreading with rubber spatula.

Set aside.


3 cups fresh or frozen blueberries

1/2 cup granulated white sugar

2 Tablespoons lemon juice

1 teaspoon cornstarch

1 handful finely chopped walnuts (optional)

1/4 cup sunflower seeds (optional)


blueberry filling










1. In separate bowl toss in blueberries, sprinkle with the sugar and 1 teaspoon cornstarch. Drizzle with 2 Tablespoons of lemon juice and gently mix to combine.

2. Evenly spread blueberry mixture on top of yogurt filling. (Then if you choose toss on some chopped walnuts and sunflower seeds. (Fairies love seeds and nuts and so do I)


Blueberry Bars (10)








3. Next take your reserved 3/4 cup of the crumble/crust mix and evenly sprinkle on top. Gently squeeze the crumbs through your fingers as you spread over filling. I sprinkle some fresh blueberries on the crust.

4. Place pan on middle rack in preheated 350 oven and bake for about 40 minute for fresh berries and 50 minutes for frozen blueberries. Baking is complete when crust has turned a nice golden brown and berries have bubbled.

5. Remove pan from oven and place on wire rack and let cool completely. Then set pan in fridge to cool firmly before cutting into bars.


Blueberry Yogurt Bars










6. After cooling in the fridge for about 30 minutes I lift the foiled dessert in it’s entirety from the pan and carefully remove the foil from the large “blueberry bar” and set dessert on cutting board and cut into small bars.


Blueberry Bars (12)










8. Now you can cut the bars into small pieces without them crumbling and falling apart.

Blueberry Yogurt Bars may be stored in your refrigerator for up to 10 days, though they don’t last that long in our house.

Blueberry Bars Fairy Style










Serve your Blue Berry Yogurt Bars plain and simple or with some fresh blueberries and a sprig of mint.


Blueberry Bars (13)










They also taste good with a dab of whipped cream, or scoop of ice cream. Oh, if you happen to know some Fairy Folk like I happen to you can even add a dash of Fairy Dust! Yum, magically delicious!















Be yourself.


Full Blue Moon










Everyone else is already taken.

Oscar Wilde





Esmeralda’s Fairy Sweetened Summer Kale


Fae in the Greeenhouse










Esmeralda Fairy enters my greenhouse each and every morning with her baskets of fairy dust flavoring our kale plants, so divine.

Kale for the Fae










We are very appreciative of Esmeralda’s efforts and welcome the Home Place Fairies that help tend our gardens.

Kale in the Greenhouse






It is very important to express appreciation and gratitude to all of those who offer their services so selflessly.

Kale and Chard










The Wizard and I harvest Esmeralda’s Fairy sweetened Kale from our glass greenhouse from March until late November… when we let the greenhouse rest for the winter.










My family loves kale which I grow in straw mulched garden rows next to bush beans and kohlrabi, lettuce and chard.









I enjoy planting kale in different environments such as raised beds covered with remay.  Remay is a sheer gardeners fabric which lets in the warming rays of sunlight as well as rain drops pass through.  Remay protects Kale’s tender leaves from insects such as aphids, weevils or mites

Kale is delicious and used in many Fairy Folk recipes here at the farm.


Copyright © 2024 Robin Horty