Tiny Wonders of This World

Home Place Fairies are generous and kind.

tiny wonders in the world be







They know that gentle acts of kindness reach far and wide.

What touches one, touches all.


“If you want to go fast

Go alone.

If you want to go far

Go together.”


African Proverb and Fairy Proverb too!




The Fairy Seekers

Hidden somewhere deep within an Enchanted Forest on the north side of a small mountain in Maine,











An ancient oak tree grows.











Deep within the hollowed heart of this tree lies Sacred Chambers,

The secret home of the Home Place Fairies.

Sacred Atar of The Fairies










At her base an alter stands holding precious stones, feathers, tokens and gems, all gifts from believers to the Fae.

The Fairy seekers seekers (3)










If you are out searching for Fairies I do not think you will find them because they are always one step ahead of you and looking your way.

The Fairy seekers seekers (5)










Home Place Fairies possess the ability to shape shift, which means when the occasion suits them they can increase in size to that of mortal children.

The Fairy seekers seekers (1)










They also possess powers of partial and total invisibility.

Often times they choose to make their wings invisible to the human eye, this way they can walk among mankind undetected.

The Fairy seekers seekers (2)










If you should go seeking Fairies some fine day just remember they are out there and watching you!



Adventures in Fairyland


Old Horse with Nightingale and La Rosa








Old Horse with Nightingale and La Rosa.




Foxgloves For The Fairy Folk

Late June through July is when Foxgloves bloom here in Maine, a favorite plant of the fairy folk.

foxgloves (2)








Tall, lovely plants they are biennial, which means they bloom the second year when started from seed and then their life cycle is completed.

Foxgloves for the fairy folk (2)










Here at the farm I gather seeds once the blossoms have dried on the stem, sprinkling them here, there and everywhere.

scattering foxglove seed






The scattered seeds settle on the ground; when  summer draws to a close fairies gently tuck them into the soil where they will rest through the winter. The seeds will “slumber” beneath dried leaves and deep snow, sprouting the following spring.

foxgloves (1)








The first year foxglove seedlings will grow lush green foliage but they will not produce a single flower.

Foxgloves for the fairy folk (1)









It is during the second year of their life cycle that Foxgloves grow tall bursting into full blooms.

The fairies all the while continue to sprinkle them with magical dust, nourishing and encouraging the plants to grow.





Old Horse and the Fairies

Early in the morning the Home Place Fairies Nightingale, La Rosa and Delphinia affectionately greet Old Horse.









Old Horse is their companion; the loyal guardian of all the Home Place Fairies.











Through the long cold months of winter Old Horse stands vigil guarding the entrance to the Fairies secret woodland chambers.



















Old Horse was long ago enchanted by the Home Place Fairies












and though Old Horse ages, he never grows old.








The bond between Old Horse and the Fairies is very strong. Forged from integrity and respect as well as love and commitment the bond has solidified, becoming everlasting; suspended in time.








In the earliest hours of each and every August morning before humans are awake, the fairy folk greet Old Horse with hugs and kisses, showering him with fairy dust.

Enchanted by the Fae (1)










Later in the day when an old friend comes to visit, the fairies will have left the stable yard and gardens for the shade of the Enchanted Forest.

Enchanted by the Fae (2)










Old Horse will greet Nina who being magical herself in a Nordic gardening kind of way will never let on that she can see the fairy magic that  surrounds her dear old friend.

Nina and Horse (2)










Together they will reminisce about the past as they walk into the Future of Possibilities.

Enchanted by the Fae (3)












Once Upon A Time in Fairyland










Home Place Fairies are always on the lookout for new and illuminating discoveries.










They search way down low, sprinkling nourishing fairy dust, encouraging the smallest of flowers to blossom and grow.










Fairies flutter up high into the tallest of trees where wondrous beings hover and fly.








“Don’t you know everyone has a Fairyland.”

      P.J. Travers






A Very Grand Fairy Tea Party

Sometimes if a community is lucky they might have an individual or two who stands out for their selfless acts of giving. Here in mid coast Maine generations of children have been fortunate enough to have been acquainted with an entire family of such individuals whose hearts overflow with generosity and love. A big shout out to Miss. Bette, Miss. Angie, Miss. Jo, Mr. Jerry and Miss. Suzanne!

Grand Fairy tea 2016 (14)








The Wizard and I have hosted many annual end of the school year Grand Fairy Tea Parties for one of the most dynamic preschools we know of. Lovely Annie, a fairy fine wandering minstrel delights us with her music, she is beautiful to behold.

Grand Fairy tea 2016 (12)










Grand Fairy tea 2016 (13)










Adults and children dance and prance as we parade through gardens with shy little fairies glimmering beside us.

Grand Fairy tea 2016 (31)






Grand Fairy tea 2016 (29)






Grand Fairy tea 2016 (30)







With the assistance of parents and friends wishes are collected from all of the children and deposited within a tiny wicker basket. This basket is dusted with magical fairy dust, carefully attached to environmentally safe balloons and carried by the currents of the wind to Fairyland. What fun on a brilliant day!

Grand Fairy tea 2016 (34)










Grand Fairy tea 2016 (38)








Grand Fairy tea 2016 (42)






Grand Fairy tea 2016 (43)







Grand Fairy tea 2016 (44)







Grand Fairy tea 2016 (45)






Grand Fairy tea 2016 (46)







Here’s a little movie/ slideshow of our wonderful morning of celebration. Click on the link below…enjoy.

Grand Fairy Tea Party

I wonder what kinds of wishes the fairies received?

Grand Fairy tea 2016 (47)










The Magic of Being

Magic Happens in Every Garden.










All you have to do is look.










Helping the Home Place Fairies spread fairy dust on lovely June Poppies in Maine.



A Fairy Fine Horse

Old Horse and Nightingale, she whispers while they walk.

Old Horse and Nightingale, she whistles while they walk.







Fairy Best Friends

Fairy Best Friends.












A Grand Fairy Tea Party Celebration!



Here Ye, Here Ye,

Come together in Celebration,

both young and old.

Grand Fairy Tea Party (2)










Today is the day, it’s that time of the year…

The Grand Fairy Tea Party!

Grand Fairy Tea Party (1)










A culmination of Summer from Spring,

when Fairy Folk and humans gather together

for joyous song and dancing,

appreciation and respect.

Grand Fairy Tea Party






The Fairies announce this gathering

and welcome you here.



Copyright © 2025 Robin Horty