Collecting Star Dust

I startled La Rosa this morning as she collected star dust in the Enchanted Forest.











Home Place Fairy Folk gather star dust which they grind into powder, precious and fine.

signs of the fae (9)










This powder is bottled in magical vessels becoming fairy dust, which enhances it’s powers ten fold.

Fairy Dust has many uses. Each spring the Home Place Fairies leave me a bottle of their magical dust to sprinkle upon the clothing I have made for them during the cold winter months.

where fairies go (2)










Just a pinch of fairy dust gives a  single fairy dress magical powers such as being able to reduce from mortal clothing size to wee fairy size and back again as the wearer so desires!




Tiny Wonders

Fairy Folk have a way of seeing the beauty that is to come….

Tiny Wonders












Good Morning Fairy Folk

It’s April, the month before May.

Here in Maine on the north side of a small mountain not far from the sea our garden is filling with fairy folk who are awakening after many months of deep slumber.

The fairies whirl and they twirl and they sing as they sway happy for the warmer weather coming this way.


Spring Fairies








Fairies are stewards of nature, in tune with the natural world they are harmonious beings who work as hard as they play.

Little Luna dog walks out into the garden on this warm sunny day delighted to see Fairies out and about laughing and gay.

Luna is a fairy special dog and shares a secret with the Home Place Fairy Folk.

Remember, magic happens in every garden, all one has to do is look.


Gentle Acts of Kindness

I spied two sweet little fairies walking out of the forest this morning.

One little fairy was helping the other little fairy light her wand

Then the two little fairies walked far out into the meadow with their wands held high, twinkling and bright.














The Magic of January’s Snow

January can be illuminating, it’s the beginning of a brand new year.








Arctic Hardy Kiwi vines lay resting beneath a light cover of snow, little promises of what’s yet to be.








Our glass green house is filled with pots of dormant perennials sleeping and Gnomes from the Knoll have come and lit tiny little lanterns on Lady Grand, our generous Wolf River Apple Tree.










The Fairy Wardrobe Chamber is quietly awaiting the return of springtime children and fairy folk too.








Inside a tiny bit of fairy dust sparkles,  what’s left from the last visiting Fae. Just a pinch of fairy dust is all it takes to keep the magic alive.










At the edge of The Enchanted Forest a small child peeks in, a believer of possibilities, she is enchanted by a magical light.

The Fairies rejoice knowing one True Believer is all it takes to keep their Magic and all of Fairyland alive forever and ever more.

All is as it should be.




Wishing You A Fairy Merry Christmas

From the north side of a small mountain in Maine we wish you a Fairy Merry Christmas and a Fairy Happy New Year!!!

A Fairy Merry Christmas (1)










What could be better than Christmas?

Why a Christmas Birthday!

A Fairy Merry Christmas (2)









Happy Birthday Nightingale and Feliz Cumpleanos Perico !!!

Good Tidings and Best Wishes From The Seamstress to The Fairies, The Home Place Fairies and Old Horse





















First Day of Winter Here in Maine

The first day of winter has arrived here at the Farm and the Home Place Fairy Folk celebrate accordingly.

Blue Fairy Hill the day before winter solstice






Blue Fairy Hill was covered in snow; a few days ago heavy December rains had washed our second snowfall away. Saturday evening more snow fell.

Before the first day of winters rain










What a difference a couple days can make.

Tiny Wonders of November_1244x1050









The Fairies have take notice when the temperatures warm, flying briefly from their chambers; dancing through the Enchanted Forest and all about the Farm before and after the rain. Fluttering back into their chambers well before the first snowflakes fall.

The first day of winter is called the Winter Solstice. It is the shortest day and longest night of the year. Here in Maine the official time of the Solstice for 2021 is 10:59 AM on the 21st of December..

So light a candle, burn a yule log, make a wish or say a prayer…just as the Home Place Fairies do.

The Winter Solstice officially occurs when the tilt of the earth is such that the North Pole is the farthest away from the sun. Which causes less light to reach the northern hemisphere.

Alter to the Home Place Fairies -










While out walking I was delighted to discover an invitation to come join the fairies in their Winter Chambers for Chamomile Cookies and tea.

Fairies (1)










The Winter Chambers of the Home Place Fairies is a very magical and secret homage nestled deep within the heart of an ancient Oak Tree  hidden in the Way Beyond of the Enchanted Forest.

Cast with three impenetrable Invisibility spells their fairy chamber remains fortified and protected,  impossible for any mortal to find.

The Wildlings know where it is, but they won’t tell.

Old Horse Fairy Guardian Oh Holy Night










As Seamstress to the Fairies I am a sworn keeper of their secrets. Because of this and my close relationship to Old Horse their Guardian and best friend, I have been invited to join them in their home quarters for Solstice Tea.

I am honored.

Seamstress to the Fairies inside the Fairies Winter Chambers










I will never be able to tell you how I got there as I am sworn to secrecy, and in truth, quite simply put, I do not know.

I only know I arrived and returned as if from a dream.

Enjoy the Solstice!


Tiny Wonders

The temperatures are cooling down and the first snowflakes are perhaps just hours away on the north side of this small mountain in Maine,

Tiny Wonders of November_1244x1050









During the shorter darker days of November there can be a temptation to dream of warmer hours in the garden with fairy folk.











Though truly whatever season, the natural world is simply wonderful.

November Tales (2)











Dreaming (1)










Late Autumn, November to be exact, the time of year the Home Place Fairy Folk have been waiting for.

All their seasonal chores are completed; their food lockers have been filled to capacity with delectable delights they will consume right up until Christmas at which time they will lazily drift off into a deep and dream filled slumber not to awaken until spring.


photo credit E.M.











The gentler days of November are their one last chance to sing and dance outdoors before the harsher winds blow and the snow flies.












Look what the Fairies left!




What if I fall?

Fly (1)










Oh, but my Darling…

Jenna Blue










What if you fly?

Fly (2)










what if I fly










Quote by Erin Hanson



Copyright © 2025 Robin Horty